100% natural cold-press oil, unrefined.
Used to season salads and ready meals.
Cedar oil is produced from the purified nut nucleus by the method of cold pressing. The season for picking cones is September-October. The right time is expected to pick cedar nuts, that is, until the cone is impregnated with rainwater and blows a loud autumn breeze. As a result, the cone itself falls off, and the tree cannot be damaged. It turns out that cedar gives away the cone itself. Cedar trees grow and give fruit only in two places in the world, in Canada and in Siberia in Russia.
Useful properties of cedar nut oil
Cedar nut oil is a special oil, firstly, because of its medicinal properties, secondly, because today there is no possibility of producing this product synthetically by analogy, and triple, because it has no contraindications for consumption (except for allergies)
Cedar oil is easily absorbed by the body, both in a child and in an adult. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Cedar nut oil is rich in vitamins B and D, which normalize the work of the central nervous system and improve blood composition. Its regular use can solve the problem of avitaminosis . The content of vitamin E is more than 5 times higher than that of olive oil and 3 times higher than that of coconut oil . This vitamin belongs to the group of active antioxidants and lowers the amount of cholesterol in the blood. In addition, cedar oil has a very high content of vitamin F, three times more than fish oil. As an antioxidant, vitamin E gives the oil antioxidant properties, which reduces the chance of cholesterol for the formation of plaques and increases immunity to respiratory diseases. In addition, vitamin F promotes breastfeeding in nursing mothers and prevents atherosclerosis
Cedar nut oil contains: vitamin A, vitamins of group B, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin F (Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9 fatty acids).
Regular use of cedar nut oil is useful both for children (for the development and strengthening of the growing organism) and for adults to maintain health and youth for long years.
Daily use of cedar nut oil will help you avoid additional costs on preparations that support your health. It is not desirable for children up to 3 years and for people with individual intolerances.
Nutritional information per 100g:
energy: 3760 kJ/ 898 kcal, fats 99.8g
Store: at room temperature, in a dark place. Allowed natural precipitate at the bottom of the bottle.