Mao Se (铁观音)
Do you like Oolong Tea Guan Yin? If so, this is a good reason to try his cousin Mao Xie (毛蟹 maoxie) “Caravan crab”. It is grown in the same place as the most famous Tie Guan Yin in Annecy County, Fujian Province, and is treated with similar Oolong technology, the only difference being the type of tea bush.
Mao Xie consists of three upper leaves, often with a bud. They are twisted together into balls resembling crabs with white hairs. Hence the name “hairy crab”. During processing, the leaf acquires a bluish-green shade. For this reason, oolongs are called turquoise or jade tea
Mao Xie tea extract – green-golden, with the aroma of flowers and vegetable freshness. Compared to Tie Guan Yin, it has more sweetness. This brings him closer to taiwanese oolongs, but there is a difference. In the latter, the sweetness resembles cookies, but in Mao Xie there are better distinguishable fruity notes. The taste of the drink changes from one outpouring to another. Refreshing bitterness gives way to flowers and fruits. At the end of tea, a long velvety aftertaste remains.
Large oolong leaves contain a large amount of caffeine and tannin. Therefore, a cup of Mao Xie offers vitality and a good mood. This is a good option to relax after work and meet friends.