Lishan is one of the best and most expensive mountain people in Taiwan oolong. It is grown in the center of the island on the lishan hilltop 2000-2200m. There is a mountain range called Lishan, so the road got its name. The local climate is great for growing oolong. In these mountains there are low temperatures, humidity and fog. Thanks to this, in the composition of tea, the level of theanine increases, which makes it softer and sweeter.
Llishan has a taste and aroma. It is a very light, almost light transparent, deliciously tender and soft tea. You can easily feel the tone of the spring and morning sun here. There are flowers and honey.
How to boil?
Boil with hot water (80-90 ° C) from porous clay in a teapot or porcelain gaiwan. Dry tea-to-water ratio: 6 g per 100 ml. The first time hold for 6-8 seconds, then drink out with pouring, gradually increasing the time of cooking. Keeps 7 boils of taste and aroma.
An excellent option to switch attention, calm the mind and keep the body and soul warm.