Zhen Shen Oolong tee 人参乌龙茶
It consists of three medicinal plants. Its basis is tea leaves. They are mixed together with ginseng and licorice extract made into powder. Licorice is also a medicinal plant and is used to treat many diseases. Mixing the three ingredients creates Zhen Shen Oolong. This tea has all the beneficial properties of tea bush and zhen shen root. Such tea stimulates the human body, gives positive energy and gives an excellent mood for the whole day. It should be noted that a significant positive effect can only be achieved by drinking regular tea. That’s why the people of the Far East and most of the Chinese people differ in good health. Tea is not only for the central nervous system and the vascular system.
How is Zhen Shen Oolong useful?
Such tea stimulates the human body, gives positive energy and an excellent mood for the whole day. It is worth remembering that regular drinking of tea can have a noticeable positive effect:
the disappearance of periodic headaches;
refreshment of the oral cavity;
strengthening sensitive gums, antioxidant effect;
lowering the level of glucose in the blood;
stimulation of sexual function;
antidepressant effect;
increased blood pressure;
support of the nervous system;
normalization of the activity of the stomach, intestines, liver and kidneys.
Tea helps in the treatment of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.
How to boil?
Zhen Shen’s Oolong should be boiled preferably in a see-through, clay jug or gaiwan dish, one serving requires 5 grams of dry tea material. When making a glass dish, you can also observe how the “jade stones” are transformed into ripe tea leaves. The water temperature must be close to 90 degrees. High-quality Zhen Shen Oolong considers up to 8-10 water pours, becoming less and less Zhen Shenial each time and more and more tea-flavored.
The history of Zhen Shen is very closely related to Taoist medicine and is already over 500 years old. It was studied by Chinese Taoist doctors that mixing oolong leaves and Zhen Shen roots is beneficial for the eyes, as well as contributing to the work and attention span of the brain.