Laost otsas

Gift Set “Two Oolongs”

Type: Oolong
Origin: Fujian
Ingredients:Milk Oolong 50 grams, Zhen Shen Oolong 50 grams


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  • Milk Oolong is arguably one of the most popular Chinese tea species in the world. Why such a success? Probably because the tea is manifested in taste and light at the same time. In the aroma of tea you can smell milk and sweet caramel. Such an aroma is achieved in the process of processing by aromatization. Tea gives a leachate of golden color. Milk Oolong tastes like almost everyone from the first sip. The tea originated in fujiana province. Where most oolongs are produced. Milk Oolong, like other oolongs, requires water whose temperature does not exceed 85 degrees.
  • Zhen Shen Oolong (人参乌龙茶) – consists of three medicinal plants. Its basis is tea leaves. They are mixed together with ginseng and licorice extract made into powder. Licorice is also a medicinal plant and is used to treat many diseases. Mixing the three ingredients creates Zhen Shen Oolong. This tea has all the beneficial properties of tea bush and zhen shen root. Such tea stimulates the human body and restores the immune system. It should be noted that a significant positive effect can only be achieved by drinking regular tea. That’s why the people of the Far East and most of the Chinese people differ in good health. Tea is not only for the central nervous system and the vascular system.

    It is best to boil Zhen Shen Oolong tea in a clay pot or Gaivan, 5 grams of tea leaves per cooking procedure. Boiling in a glass container, one can see the transformation of “jade stones” into ripe tea leaves. The temperature of the water should be about 90 degrees. Zhen Shen Oolong endures about 8-10 cooking times, losing the taste of ginseng each time and becoming more of a “tea” flavor